when you look around, it seems that everything and everyone is focused on change, and moving at the speed of light into the next big thing that life has to offer. it’s all about instant gratification and instant results, now.

but I don’t think that’s what it’s all about.

I think that change is good. I think that moving forward and not dwelling in the past is good. I think that working hard and efficiently is good. I think that growing in yourself and in who God created you to be is good. these are all good things!

although i just listed some really good things about growth and moving on, I also think that stopping and smelling the roses is good. i think that taking the time out of your day to have an actual conversation with a friend is good. i think that taking a moment to look around at where God has planted you in this season is good. i think that these things will help you with the calling that God has placed on your life.

so bloom, and bloom where you are planted. don’t try to bloom where your sister or your best friend is planted, focus on your own growth, and be in the moment.

this post isn’t meant to just sound cliche or to look pretty, but to remind you that it’s okay to take it a day at a time. it’s okay to take a break from trying to be put together, it’s okay to not have it all together, all the time, or at all. God is inviting you in, mess and all. girl, it’s time to bloom where you are planted.

“there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” ecclesiastes 3:1



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